I had the best birthday EVER. all week was awesome, really. I love birthdays and presents and a day dedicated just to me! Kent has some irrational fear of my birthday expectations- and I can't figure out why. All I really want is the perfect day with the perfect gifts! this year was pretty darn close.
The wednesday before my bday we had a sushi making class to go to! I was so excited. and then they cancelled it LAST minute. I was pretty bummed- but Kent took me to Red Robin for my free birthday meal to compensate. and even though I chose bottomless broccoli instead of fries- he shared some of his fries with me :) I really love red robin and their free birthday burger. I think we've been there six years in a row for my birthday, now!
On my actual birthday- somehow- due to a scheduling change- Kent got to cash in on a day off he earned for passing his Air Force PT (physical training- pushups/situps/run) test at 95% or higher! He had the day OFF! pretty miraculous, really.
We started with him helping me set up my circuit class at the gym- and then a great workout. I always like to get in a really good workout on my birthday so I can splurge on food the rest of the day :)
That afternoon he surprised me with a babysitter for the kiddos and we went downtown to the Dayton Home and Garden show. It may sound weird- but we really like going to stuff like that and just walking around, getting free samples, and checking stuff out.
It was really fun!! they had a big cooking show and we learned some pretty great chef skills. Plus- we got to eat the stuff they prepared!
Honestly- it was just fabulous to be able to spend the afternoon kidless and take our time looking at whatever we wanted for as long as we wanted!! This giant chair was pretty cool. and I'm holding a bag FULL of candy from all of the booths. It was better than trick or treating.
After the afternoon downtown- we got our kiddos and headed home. we opened presents from family - thank you for all of the GIFTCARDS!! from target, amazon, and cash. I am one HAPPY lady. I can't wait to use them.
Kent had scheduled ANOTHER babysitter for our kiddos that evening. It was pretty great. and he had the entire evening planned out to surprise me.
First stop- this fancy pants new restaurant downtown called Salar. It was crazy!! pretty high class, really. I felt like an imposter! If you couldn't tell- we really love food. and Kent and I really like to try new things together- so this place was really fun! it is Peruvian/mediterranean/french fusian. Kent had heard about it from several people at work.
I was stressed about how much things cost- so Kent did his best to hide the prices from me :)
Powdered sugar empanadas as an appetizer. they were divine.
and red quinoa encrusted chilean sea bass on a bed of leek confit and yellow pepper cream sauce for dinner.
Kent had beef tenderloin with blue cheese risotto and chimchurri sauce. I was pretty nervous to take my first bite! but it was delicious. and really fun to eat so fancily.
we ended up being seated by a table of loud and increasingly drunken russians! what a fabulous birthday surprise! I couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversations all evening! the russian language is so fun.
After dinner we went to the famous- Dorothy Lane Market-to peruse their desserts.
It's a good thing this place is out of the way. everything they have looks like a little piece of heaven.

I settled on their specialty- the Killer Brownies. I got sea salt. I need to make sure to return a few more times before we move!!
After picking up dessert we went home and watched 'Dan in Real Life'. We watch it every year on or near my birthday. If you haven't seen it- you MUST. We love it. and laugh so hard every single time we watch it. There are very few movies I'll watch over and over. this is one of them.
the day was so pleasant. Kent really did everything he could to make me perfectly happy - and he was successful. He's pretty good at making me happy in general.
Here's to a great 33rd year of life! ten years ago- I had just come home from 18 months in Russia! and here I am- ten years later- living the life I always wanted! a wonderful husband, great kids, and an adventurous life! I have so much to celebrate!! I can't wait to turn 34 :)
I laughed out loud about the Russians at the restaurant. Only you would appreciate it! I still remember your comment about how crowded, smelly places remind you of riding public transit in Russia. Only you...what a great attitude.
3 cheers for the drunk russians, birthday magic!
Happy Birthday! I want that orange chair! It would look perfect in the backyard here at the Pines! Looks like a really delish birthday...glad all was fun! I just found out our scout master went to Russia on his mission. Maybe he was there at the same time..small world!
It sounds like you had a fantastic birthday! I love celebrating birthdays - why not? They only come ONCE a year. :)
I call those Expos adult trick or treating. Glad you had a great birthday. HAve you got any more details on the move? Like when we should come out and help you pack?
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