Starting this week- when life slows down a little ( I hope!)- I'm going to get back to my regular blogging! that's my goal. For now- here are the rest of our vacation shennanigans in sporadic pictures!
When Metta and Charlotte get a little older- they will be best cousin friends for sure. For now there was a lot of jealousy and and stealing :)
Charlotte sure was a funny little monkey. She taught metta how to say 'no'. Metta taught her to walk!
Uncle Clair starting a fire. I forgot how wonderful Utah summer evenings can be. Nice crisp and cool.
Kent's family was so wonderful to watch my kiddos for all of the non kiddo wedding stuff I had to do! the kiddos had so much with cousins and their grandparents!
We totally lucked out and got to be in Utah for cousin Hanna's family birthday celebration! it was great.
Auntie M is every niece and nephew's favorite aunt. Metta loved her to pieces.
Zeb and Ethan.
Kent's sister and family.
Our last night in Utah we celebrated BIG. Gramps took the boys to the firework stand and we had an early Pioneer Day fireworks party! it was so much fun.
Clair and Charlotte!

and the sunset was beautiful. I love this picture of my mom getting apicture with her Ipad :)
And Zeb.
After the big wedding we had a Howell Family reunion. I'm so glad we were in town to take part in it! We spent one afternoon at the new Utah Natural History Museum. We got in free thanks to the military :)
The oswald sisters' kiddos. I can't believe we are producing children!!
Zeb and Ike learning about cells :)
Gramps and the baby girls.
I love these pictures of Ike and auntie daysa.
I can't beleive she's all grown up and GOING ON A MISSION!! so exciting.
look at all of these kids. all of the cousins offspring. I can't believe we're grown ups.
And the last of the pictures :) Our day in Logan with the Howells.
Logan is where our great great grandparents settled when they came to America from Switzerland. It's why Kent and I got married in Logan.
We visited the land where the first home was built. All that is left is the welcome walkway- and an outdoor stove. Great Grandpa Ulrich Zbinden was a rock collector and made this cool entryway.
Here's the outdoor stove.
We even visited the grave sites of our great great grandparents. Here is our Zbinden- sitting on the original Zbindens.
Nannie Annie and metta.
I love this picture of Grandpa Howell. He's telling a 'story' that actually ends up being a joke about a coffin and a drugstore. He thought he was pretty funny.
After our day in Logan- we had the annual family Bingo game.
This shirt was a hot ticket prize. I mean- who doesn't want a 'poohfect' CHristmas?!
Aunt Rosemary cleared out her ridiculous stuffed animal collection and sent all of the kiddos home with toys :)

cousin kate leaves on her mission TUESDAY!! I love all of these sister missionaries!
We ran out of bingo cards and bingo game pieces. we improvised with online cards and bread pieces :)
I think we did something fun and crazy every day we were in Utah. It made me so homesick. and coming home was so hard! I just have to remind myself that real life in utah isn't that much fun- only weddings and family reunions are :)
Thanks for the great time family!