Thursday, August 15, 2013

summer phone dump :)

I've been taking a lot more cell phone pics now that my cell phone camera is so snazzy :)  It's really going to help me jump back on the blogging wagon.  I love my blog and want to stay updated.

First pic.  I really love this.  It's me- one of our sister missionaries- and my favorite babysitter Sydney.  We all have the same target bag.  I'm not going to lie- I started the trend.  Am I an old lady shopping in the young adult section??! or is this purse appropriate for a 'woman of my age'?   Sometimes I forget I'm not a kid anymore.

this ridiculous picture is so metta.  She's a dirty little redheaded toddler with a love of ugly dolls.  And I love her to pieces.  She's got a big personality.  Kent and I are always wondering what we are going to do as she gets older.  She really cracks us up.
These next few pics are of Zeb's first triathalon!  It was sponsored by the Y and it was so much fun.  Zeb was awesome.  He was so so nervous.  I was a little nervous!  His face was ALL serious and ALL business the entire event!
He and his pal, Quincy.
The bike portion.  He isn't confident without the training wheels- so we went and bought some the night before at Walmart :)
Getting ready for the race.  Can you see his nervous face?
His tough face with his number on the calf.  He wore shorts the next day to church so people could see his number :)  He was pretty proud of himself!
This summer we did a few sessions of swim lessons at the YMCA aquatic center.  It was a lot of fun with friends! and it was a way for my kiddos to get a lot of water time when I didn't have to get in with them.  I don't love water. or the sun.
they'd let them hang out at the 'fun center' and swim the 'lazy river' at the end of class.
Metta tried to jump in day after day.  Sometimes I'd take off her clothes and let her play.  I LOVE her red hair and pigtails SO much.

Wishful thinking!

And a few final crazy pictures.

This Ike and ava are pretty great friends. and sometimes way too much alike :)
I find at least a dozen zeb selfies a day on my phone :)
Kent and his pal Cora.  Being a pediatrician really is his thing.  I think it's the only way he can get his kid fix without looking a little creepy :)  He really does love all (okay- most) kids.


kenna said...

i do love those rugrats of yours, and your photos. always.

Kristi, Liezl, Quincy, Ava, Cora, and Josh said...

I love the pic of meta with her babies. She is the best!!! What would our kids do without your family? We really love all of you,

Mamapierce said...

LOVE the new phone and Metta's hair is super awesome. :)