Okay, so here I go! This is in response to being tagged. I have to share eight little known facts about myself. This is going to be relatively rough considering I don't have many secrets or unknown facts. I talk a lot and with that talking comes all of my secrets! Some of this may be new, some may be old, and some may be plain shocking!! oh, and I tag James. I don't think I've heard from him on the blog ever!
1. I have been in fifteen car accidents. I have never been driving in any of them! The most recent involved a white trash couple (the man had no shirt, only sandals, holey jeans and his pregnant wife with him on a motorcycle. and of course neither had helmets). The worst was when I was thirteen. We were in Idaho at a family reunion and were hit by a drunk driver. Our car rolled, my cousin flew out, and my dad gashed his head so bad we could see his skull.
2. The only guns I have ever shot are an M-16 and a Hauitzer from a tank (i have no idea on the spelling of that gun). When we shot the tank it started the mountain on fire and the fire fighters had to come put it out.
3. I would rather have a baby (with an epidural of course) than get a cavity filled. I had to be sedated to go to the dentist when I was younger. Having a baby includes gifts, visitors, meals, and a baby.
4. Kent and I have decided that instead of a funeral, the first to die gets turned into a diamond that the living spouse gets to wear! Really. we are serious. It costs about half of a funeral. Our original wish was to keep each others skulls but we can't find any place that will preserve just a human skull...I guess the defleshing/debraining is too intense.
5. Kent and I met in high school anat and phys class almost ten years ago! I used to rip up little pieces of paper and throw them in his backpack to irritate him. He was so OCD that he couldn't let them stay in there for more than a minute. I also used to crinkle his assignments to pester him. Once he redid an assignment six times before he finally realized he would have to turn it in crinkled cause I wouldn't stop.
6. I have a small obsession with entertainment news (as most of you could tell with the paris stuff). I check People.com at least once a day to look at photos and read the latest dirt on celebs. They intrigue me.
7. At BYU I did a research project on Urine therapy. For part of the research I drank my pee for ten straight days. It wasn't bad at all. Urine is very sterile.
8. In college we woke up to find a dead cow in our living room. We were in the newspaper, on CNN, on the news in Idaho and Utah, and even made the Late late show with Craig Kilborne. It was so fun! We have left our legend at Ricks college! People still talk about it regularly up there. I get stopped all the time and people ask "weren't you the girl with the dead cow in her living room at ricks?"