Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I think we are completely settled in to our new life and I am pretty darn happy.  I feel like we are real people now. We live in a real (rental) HOUSE!  and even though residency is still technically part of Kent's education- I no longer tell people that my husband is in school! we have a real job! oh- and we have real expenses :)  that part was more fun when it wasn't real.

Kent LOVES what he does.  He spent the last month in the clinic on base just seeing kids all day. Well-child visits, sickies, and stuff like physicals. His hours were fabulous :)  7:30-5 with all weekends off. It was pure heaven.  This month won't be quite as nice- but not too shabby.  He's working hospital shifts at Dayton Children's just working the regular admissions floor.    He has two weeks of days and two weeks of nights.  I especially love when he works at Dayton children's.  Every day he comes home with a little pack of lorna doones for me. He sneaks them from the resident's lounge because he knows that I LOVE them.  This is going to be a really good three years :)  I'm lucky to have a husband who knows I love gifts- no matter how small. 

1 comment:

yaya said...

I'm so happy for your guys! I love your house. It looks, from the pics anyway, to be just perfect for you. It's sweet he thinks of you in those little ways as well as the big ones! (Just don't upset him or he'll throw you out of another airplane...wait, I forgot you like that!) Have a lorna doone for me, I like them too!