Friday, June 15, 2007

temple cleaning

So last night the ward called and asked if kent and I would go and do the ward's temple cleaning assignment this morning at 8 am. Just like our ward to procrastinate to the bitter end and of course I felt guilty saying no, its the temple. We've done temple cleaning before up at the logan temple (Zak was with us then) and it wasn't too bad. They took us on a really cool tour of the temple and showed us all of the unused floors of the Logan temple, including the assembly hall, sealing rooms in the towers, and even took us into the rafters! It wasn't a bad experience so Kent and I decided this couldn't be too shabby either. Yeah, whatever. It was Hell. I think I even said that to Kent in the temple. I didn't mind being there doing service but I really hate cleaning...especially the monotonous boring nasty jobs. And that is the very job that I got. We were there from 8-12. My job was to scrub the grout in between the miniscule tiles in FOUR bathrooms! WITH A TOOTHBRUSH. I am not kidding you. I was on my hands and knees on the hard floor scrubbing like a banshee. I hate chores. I hate cleaning. I figure this little adventure will get us blessings cause it truly was a sacrifice. I don't do that kind of work in my own home let alone for three hours elsewhere. For the last hour Kent and I at least got to work together. This job was not as bad but still monotonous. We spent the hour wiping and cleaning EACH and EVERY individual leaf of the fake trees and plants in the "grand lobby" of the temple. We even cleaned the ones in Randy's former office. Not to mention we were pooped due to a long night with the little rugrat Z. In the end they gave us weird frozen fragments of santa claus cookies. I still can't figure out where they came from!
So, moral of the story, next time they ask for temple cleaning volunteers I am totally pulling the "I'm nursing and can't" card.


Pat and Brent said...

That "I am a nursing mother with a two week old baby" is a very valid reason someone else should do this job. You guys are very dedicated.

How come I didn't get the chance to tend?

Pam and Rand said...

My heck Leisy - you are way too dedicated. The new mother excuse doesn't last forever. USE IT BEFORE IT'S TO LATE!!