Here's a lovely little pic of Z at the ward Christmas party last weekend. He has been such a happy little rugrat lately. He has his terribly whiny moments but they are more than made up for with his infectious smile and laugh (although I may not make that same claim during his fits). I can't wait to get him to Utah to see family. Basically you'll all be obsessed.
We've got another giant storm headed our direction tonight! I love the fresh snow and the cold- but I am still worried about our flights on Sunday. Everybody pray for non flight delaying weather.
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Zeb looks happy with that candy cane. BTW-I was at Target on Tues and I swear I saw Kent. I got all excited and looked around for you so I could say hi and never saw you. Then I see from your post you are still in Toledo. Does Kent have a twin, because whoever this guy was, he is the spitting image of Kent.
Did you get a free coupon for Vitos? We got one last month and really liked their pizza.
we think zeb looks just like leisy in this pic.
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