Monday, April 27, 2009

zoo day and swine flu

It was so blasted hot today. Thankfully it's supposed to cool off for the next few days. We went straight from nasty cold to wicked hot. Grrr. Please bring back spring, PLEASE!

We went to the zoo for playgroup and had so much fun (minus the aforementioned heat).
Ike was sooooo good. I put him in his zoo outfit (thank-you laney) for the special occasion. He could pass as a little girl- but don't all babies look non gender specific? He'd just woken up when I snapped this picture so he looks a little goofy.Zeb loved running around and looking at everything. He was a little wild but also sooo good and I am so lucky to have had some help (thanks, jen!). The zoo was packed and couldn't help but run to look at animals or chase after friends.
And speaking of animals- the Swine flue is getting pretty close to us. A case was reported in Wood county- which is just a few miles away and part of our stake. We may have to go out and get some face masks soon.

1 comment:

Linz said...

He doesn't look goofy! He looks adorable!!!!! =D Sorry for the heat and the swine flu being too close! Don't go to Stake Conference! =D