Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The fever broke after about 72 hours. hooray.  But now the poor guy is full of mucous and constantly rubbing at his little face.  It has got to be so annoying to be this itchy and stuffed up and not be able to do anything. If he'd just learn to blow his own nose!  WHEN DO KIDS FIGURE THAT OUT?!?!  I am so sick of using that darn snot sucker- and so is he!

Luckily he is back to sleeping well at night! Kent is on call tonight and I wasn't in the mood to pull an all nighter without him.  My moods somehow switch immediately to "slightlygrumpy" when I know that Kent won't be home until late.  I better learn to deal with that.


Amy and Craig said...

I LOVE that pic of Ike! I know EXACTLY how he feels. poor kid. I'm glad his fever came down. Taylor's fever with h1n1 did get to 104 one night, but only briefly, thank heaven. I'm way all done being a single mom. it's really sucky. Thankfully, Craig's on his way back on Thurs.

Shelly and Ken said...

Hate to tell you, but Jordan is still horrible at blowing her nose. She can sniff great but ask her to blow her nose...pathetic.

Michelle said...

That picture is seriously amazing. It makes me chuckle even though I feel so bad for the guy. That is just miserable. Poor lil' dude!! I'm so glad his fever broke. Hopefully, he will continue to be on the mend. Good luck - you guys are in our thoughts and prayers.

Unknown said...

How was the baptism? I've been thinking about you all day.

M- your favorite said...

Poor buddy! You can totally feel for him! That's so hard.