Monday, January 18, 2010

Thanks, MLK.

Amongst the myriad of important reasons that I owe MLK a vote of thanks is hidden a small one. Kent was home all day today.  Nothing better than a three day weekend to make me happy. I must bask in the enjoyment just a short while longer before holidays become days where I miss my favorite person rather than get to spend extra time with him.  Zeb and Ike are also quite grateful.

Too bad we were mostly excited to sleep in and didn't get to AT ALL on ANY of the three days.  Saturday we were up at seven (which technically is sleeping in). Sunday at six. This morning at FOUR THIRTY.  Seriously. Will I ever get my sleep back?!?!  Why are my children plagued with strange ailments and pains and coughs and bursts of energy that ALL manifest during my much needed and loved REM sleep?  Didn't they teach us in high school that constant interruption of REM sleep can result in terrible things?  That I may go certifiably crazy or just drop dead if it keeps happening?   I shouldn't complain.  Ike is waaaaay better than Zeb was and usually we only have 1 or 2 bad nights a week.  Plus, my kids are happy and healthy.  And I'm usually those two things, too. But, really! It's hard. It's one of those rotten parent sacrifices that we really don't have much choice in making.  Because- trust me- if I could sleep through this screaming banshee baby, I would.


Jessica said...

My second one was a non-sleep for 18 months. He's still one that likes to get up early, but it does get better. At least when they get older, they can play quietly until we wake all the way up, right?! lol

Unknown said...

It is like death hearing those voices at that time of the night/morning. I honestly get nauseated every time.

Unknown said...


I got one cupboard cleaned out, Daysa's closet cleaned, a load of clothing to DI (thank you Daysa), a load of books to the library (although I still can't find the lost book), lunch with Phil and Daysa, two loads of laundry done and put away, window shopping at RC Willey, grocery shopping at Maceys, 30 minutes of Biggest Loser yoga, my bed made, AND no crying kids (that I know of).

Ahhhh--a day off is heavenly.

yaya said...

This too shall pass...then they become teenagers and you get sleep deprived once again...sorry.