Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pringles, donuts, and cookies. Those were Zeb's requests at the grocery store tonight. Kent told him he could choose whatever he wanted for their camping trip tomorrow night.  He definitely has Kent's taste in snacks.   I would have chosen licorice, trail mix, and something chocolate if I was going along.

They've got the Father and Sons campout tomorrow and Zeb is BEYOND excited.

He's been waking up every morning asking if it's Friday yet. I only wish that Ike could go so that I could have a night to myself!  But, I can't imagine taking that rugrat camping- especially since it's supposed to rain the entire time.

I'm sending our finicky camera with Kent and I hope he comes back with pictures of some sort!  but- no promises.  I'll get a pic of them on their way out, though.

Zeb is growing up more and more every day.  When I buckled him into his car seat this morning and gave him a kiss he informed me: "Mom, I don't like kisses anymore. They're gross. Just hugs, please".


Emilee said...

You know, I've been looking forward to being the mom portion of the Fathers and Sons campout my whole life. My mom and I used to have quite the weekend without my brothers. And now, that stinkin' campout is WORTHLESS to me. I'm super jealous.

Missy D said...

Your kids are soo cute! I love camping too.

yaya said...

I always loved the Father/son campout...4 boys made it a great weekend for me!

brittani c. said...

Kisses are gross? Zeb, one day you'll learn.

Unknown said...

Tell Zeb that Nannie Annie will ALWAYS give kisses and he MUST return them. It's the law.

Michelle said...

I am laughing so hard at Zeb's informing. hahahahaha! He is such a hoot. Can't wait to hear about all the camping adventures.

boysmum2 said...

Love it, I would ensure I keep kissing him outside school until he is at least 18!!

Maria said...

very cute : )