He's all grown up- minus the almost two pounds he's lost in the past month or so. I think it's been a combination of being sick and running around like a banshee. Dr. Badik says he looks great and is "very advanced". I think that she was just impressed that he knows most of his body parts AND can flex his muscles on demand :) She also referred him to a pulmonologist. She just wants his lungs checked out since she didn't get to see the x-rays taken in Utah. It will be nice to see if we can come up with anything conclusive.
I got this great picture of him playing with some girls before his visit. He was quite happy and they made him giggle hysterically. I tried getting an "after" shot but the camera battery was dead. He was LIVID to say the least. He hates the otoscope and stethoscope as much as he hates the actual shots. Let's just say Kent will not be testing out ANY of his cool doctor toys on this kid in the future. He is a doctor's office weenie.
Immunizations always seemed to put a huge kink in my plans for the day ... or two. :(!
Hopefully Zeb will be like Taylor and outgrow the need for the nebulizer as he gets older.
Hey, we go to the same doctor's office, too. It does get easier when they are older because they don't need shots as often. The first year and a half they are getting shots every few months. Poor Zeb!
He has the best look ever on his face in the carseat. So smug. So mature.
he may be a drs office weennie but he is still soooo cute
WOW the girls hair in the picture are AWESOME!! I love it!
Glad to hear everything went ok. Zeb sure is a cutie!
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