Ignore the dirt all over his hands, face, and legs! We were headed home from the ward labor day picnic and zebby was in the backseat jabbering away. His words are so funny! His new favorites are apple, hot dog, and bug. I love how he makes the dinosaur sound too.
He is quite the independent little rugrat! He kept taking off at the park to go exploring. This past Sunday he begged and screamed and wailed to get into nursery. We caved and let him go in for just a little bit (I know we shouldn't have but I finally understand all of those parents who put their kids in when they weren't supposed to). Only eight more Sundays till he's technically legal! I couldn't be more excited!!!
If the nursery leaders are down with it let him go in early, somehow they want to got in at 16 months, but then by 18 they are going through that separation anxiety again and it's hard. Just don't go in with them, or they think it's playgroup and you always will! Just speaking from nursery leader (and parent) experience.
I love the picture of Zeb walking on the trail. I saw Kent chasing him into the trail earlier that night and thought it would be a cute picture. Personally, I don't think he is ever going to have a problem with going to nursery, because he is just so independent.
3 cheers for nursery. The way he just takes off when he is outdoors reminds me so much of Jansen at that age. Aren't you glad he is active and not a lazy poo?
I can tell Zeb is a Toy Story fan!! I love that he raised his hand at the end! So so so cute!
cute cute zeb!!
There he goes...walking off alone. It's the beginning of the end. They take off and never look back. It reminds me of taking you and Laney to the first day of kindergarten and I cried and it's never been the same.
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