The glow worms espcially intrigued him. Kent and I were shocked by his ability to see and run around in the pitch black! He could pick out glowworms from pretty far away too. (They light up like fireflies stuck in the ground).
We did have one small problem when the guide attempted to "call" for owls. They played a tape of owl calls to bring in real owls and Zeb thought it was AMAZING. Every time they played one of the hoots- he'd start jabbering and pointing at the sky. We tried to explain to him that they were calling for owls and that he needed to be quiet and listen. Once he heard our explanation he wouldn't stop shouting "OWL! OWL!". At least the other people on the hike thought it was cute. Needless to say we didn't get any owls to swoop in.
By the end of the hike Zeb was DEAD asleep! We ended our evening with hot chocolate and Caramel Apple Cider- two of my favorite signs of cool weather :)
FUN! You should have got it on video! Haha, We love watching the little vids of Zebby! I want apple cider now! (I can't live without hot chocolate, I continue to drink it all year round, including during the blistering summer heat.)
I can't wait to see Zeb again. He is changing so much already! I love how much he talks. That is so dang cute!
Nate would not have been happy with Zeb. Just kidding...sounds like a real fun night!
Early yesterday morning when I was walking under the full moon I thought of you guys and how we just missed the moon walk by a day last month. Somday....
I am just going to take a stab in the dark that you are going to miss Swan Creek Park when you move from Toledo. The last two posts included going there and you run there almost everyday. Ah we live in a nice community!
cyndi, you are right. Besides the people- I will miss Swan Creek the most of anything!
That sounds like so much fun! we finally got some cooler weather (60's yesterday) and it was heaven! I even had hot cocoa last night just to celebrate that it felt like fall!
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