Thursday, November 19, 2009

yesterday and today

Stop, drop, cover your face, and roll.

 We went to the fire station for playgroup yesterday and "stop, drop, cover your face, and roll" was the first AND last thing that zeb learned.  He was so completely distracted by the tractors outside and all the shiny trucks that he decided not to listen to a thing the firefighters and emt's tried to teach everyone. In his defense- he is two- and the tractors were actually digging and hauling pipe so they were pretty cool.

Ike just hung out in his stroller for the afternoon and smiled like usual.

 Today, however, Ike has been a little less cooperative.
 He has always been a poor eater- but usually it's just that we can't get him to eat at all.  Zeb on the other hand was an eating monster as a baby. He'd eat anything but ALWAYS made a humonogous mess by smearing and mashing all food into his eyes and hair.  Kent couldn't even feed him because it stressed him out so much.  Today ike figured out those same antics.

 At least he's eating, right?  This is seriously the first time we've had an eating mess like this with Ike.


Lindsay said...

haha I am totally going to show that picture to Matt. He doesn't like to feed Willa because he thinks it's messy and it stresses him out (sound familiar?) but her messes don't even compare to Ike's mess. haha. Man he got it all over him. That takes talent.

Michelle said...

LOL! That picture of Ike is so cute and funny.

I love the stop/drop/cover eyes/and roll pics. Good job, Zeb!

I wish he could come over and play on the big huge bull dozer hanging out for months now in our back yard. :)

Unknown said...

LOL on the Friedrick picture!