Zeb thinks that birds say "beet-beet" instead of "tweet-tweet". We correct him regularly but the "beet-beet" is pretty cute and I'm sure he'll figure out the truth eventually- so I'm not too worried.
Today for playgroup we made bird feeders. Last week Zeb and I went pine cone collecting and today we got to make our feeders. You just douse them in creamy peanut butter- then sprinkle them with wild bird seed and voila!- you've got the easiest bird feeder ever. Now we've just got to see if they actually attract any real birds.
This little rugrat of ours despises peanut butter- but, of course, today the first thing he did when I gave him pb to spread on his cone was shove the spoonful into his mouth. He totally dry-heaved on it and couldn't seem to get it out of his mouth fast enough though. I guess the fact that we weren't supposed to be eating it made it look appetizing!? Kids are so confusing sometimes.
The finished product is actually pretty cool. We hung it out on our deck as soon as we got home. Z has been watching for birds ever since.
what a fun activity zeb looks so much like kent and ike is so cute
Those bird feeders are way cool!! You have got to be one of the most ambitious Mom's I've ever known, Leisy. I love hearing about all of your activities and what-not.
Good luck with the antsy-ness! Ike is so cute!
You better get Zeb checked out!! I read somewhere that when kids think that birds say "beet, beet" that is the first sign that they are going to grow up and be just like you... you wouldn't want that would you??? ;0
And I think your'e pushing Ike's ears out... he no apey ape.
Katie dry heaved the other day when I made her retrieve her soggy miniwheats from the wrong side of the sink. Maybe that'll help her remember not to put them down that side anymore. HA! somehow I'm evil but the dry heaving is kinda funny to me.
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