Monday, March 23, 2009

the weekend birthday

Today is the first day in quite a while that we haven't had any friends or family staying with us and we are finally adjusting back to regular life. I miss everybody tremendously (the babysitting/ entertainment/housekeeping help was wonderful!) but it is also so nice to have everything back to normal.
And here is the long awaited pic of my haircut. Yes, I know that you can't see it very well- but it was the only shot of me that I liked- and we all know that I DON'T post pictures of myself that I find unflattering. You'll have to wait until later to see more. I am more fond of the cut now that I'm used to it and am better at doing it. It forces me to actually do it more often- and it's much easier really. The only downside is that I have to bobby pin it when I go running or wear it up- but hopefully I outgrow that stage pretty quickly.

I've been so busy the past seven weeks (can you believe that Ike is SEVEN weeks old tomorrow!!!) that I haven't been keeping up on my daily posts- but I think things are calmed down to a level at which I can return to my everyday blogging. I was going to post last night but we ended up finishing off my unfinished birthday festivities!! I think that the best part of a weekend birthday is that it sort of becomes a two day celebration!

Kent basically took every baby night shift this weekend (ike seems to have hit a growth spurt and is getting up twice at night instead of once) and I got lots of fabulous sleep! Yesterday after church he made dinner- cleaned it up- got the kids ready and into bed- and we got to watch Twilight. Even though I am not a fan of the books- I still wanted to see the movie adaptation.

Also-my friend (and wonderful visiting teacher) sherri brought me an entire GINORMOUS bowl of my favorite snack EVER. Thank you sooooo much sherri. Chocolate chex caramel crunch. I have to post about it because I think everybody needs to know about it. It really may be my favorite snack of all time. The recipe is here. It's got to be the brown sugar, butter, and chocolate that make this stuff so insanely delectable. In fact- it is so good that I packaged up the rest this morning into zip lock bags and gave them to Al, Roxanne, and Ellen (our wonderful office/maintenance people) so I couldn't eat it all. I really have no self control when it comes to these types of things and I'm still not fitting comfortably into my favorite jeans- so I had to remove the temptation altogether.

Zeb is still soooo good with Ike and seems to be doing pretty well with everything. I'm trying so hard to remember that he isn't even two years old yet- and that I can't expect perfect behavior at all times. He's got some great new nursery leaders that have helped tremendously in getting him to be happy. He still throws his fits- but we are learning lots of ways to prevent and diffuse them. He LOVES to help me clean around the house and is ALWAYS singing the "clean up- clean up! everybody everywhere" song. Let's hope he continues loving to clean and follows in his father's footsteps and NOT mine. Kent is such an efficient speedy cleaner and actually enjoys it to an extent. I still loathe cleaning of every sort.
Here's the little rugrat with his quasimodo eye.
It's the opposite eye- but don't you think they look pretty similar?


Erin said...

Hahahaha! Zeb's got the quasi-wink down! Funny, funny, funny, funny.

The hair is cute! Get some family pics up sometime. As always, we miss the Miller family.

yaya said...

Cute hair Leisy! Happy Happy Birthday Leisy dear, happy days will come to you all year...Ok, I'll quit singing primary birthday songs, thank goodness you can't hear my voice! See you in a few weeks!

M- your favorite said...

Yep your hair is darling! As for Zeb he is such a good kid! I loved every minute I had with him. He was sooooo good. He does have a cute little wink down. Love that kid!

Michelle said...

Very cute!

I bet you liked cleaning (not toys - but, you know - the REAL thing) when you were about 2 years. :) EVERY single one of my kids asked for a vacuum for Christmas at about that age. haha.

Dan said...

Happy Belated Birthday Leisy! I never remember, but I'm glad you have better friends that do!

I can't believe Ike is 7 weeks old and your life is back to normal! amazing.

Unknown said...

Laughed out loud at the Quasimodo eye. Sometimes I would think Kami was slouching or not sitting or standing straight and I called her Kamimodo. That's funny too you know.

taylor and laney said...

Maybe part of the reason you loathe cleaning is that you are using a swiffer on the carpet. They are meant for hard flooring.

Steve and Hailey said...

How was your birthday? I'm so impressed by Kent and his great ability to be a student, dad etc. Hooray for him because I'm sure that helps you to feel more sane (especially with two kiddos). I really can't believe that Ike is seven weeks old! What a landmark! I think I have about seven weeks in this pregnancy. :)

Larry and Cindy said...

Leisy, your hair is so cute...I Love It!!! You and Kent are a great pair! Those babies are so so so cute...Don't blink or it will be time to put Zeb in kindergarten and then if you blink again you will be sending him off to BYU. It seems impossible but that is truely the way it feels. Love Ya, Cindy