Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Zeb has decided to peak in his tantrum throwing phase (this had BETTER be the peak anyway). It's getting to the point where I am actually considering not taking him into public for awhile. I've never actually considered skipping story time or playgroup because I enjoy getting out of the house and talking with friends- but right now I've got to pick my battles. What in heavens name are we doing wrong?! Sometimes he is so bad it's embarrassing. Usually it's over some object or desire- but other times it's just a random heinous act against ME! I realize that his life has just changed and things are harder for him- but I don't see other kids reacting like this. Here is a picture mid tantrum. The ones at home aren't nearly as dramatic or long as those out in public.


dockters said...

When it's your kid throwing the tantrum you always seem to feel like he's the only one that does stuff like that, BUT believe me, Zeb is not alone! EVERYONE'S children do this...whether they like to admit it or not!

This phase passes at some point. Although, I'm not sure when! I don't see many 30 year-olds throwing full blown tantrums, so we know for sure that it's at least gone by then! :)

Good luck!

Linz said...

I am so sorry! It's true, though - everyone's kids do it. It's just way worse when it's yours. It'll pass eventually. Best just to ignor them when you can (which is hard to do in public!!)

Good luck and I hope it passes REALLY soon!

taylor and laney said...

The reason you don't see other kids doing this is because their parents react like you: not take they kid in public. I sure hope Henry doesn't hit this phase. Ugh.

Unknown said...

I would keep him at home a couple of times and explain why. He's smart. He'll figure it out.

When you take him out again, if he acts up, take him to the car and take him home and explain again and then miss the next one. Maybe let him say good-bye to Sam when he gets to go.

Worked for me and I raised perfect children.

Did you get the package I sent? And when are the Millers coming to visit?

Love ya and XXOO to Zeb and Fred.

The Ziemers said...

I agree with everyone else that ALL kids throw tantrums at some point. Lindsay is already starting to and she is not even 18 months yet. You aren't doing anything wrong. I do agree that it might be wise to cut back on outings where you know he will throw a tantrum, for your sanity's sake. They do grow up and learn new ways to handle disappointment, at least I hope they do! :) Jared still has his moments.

Unknown said...

and then they hit their heads or something and you have NO sympathy for them

Anonymous said...

Even the best kids have their moments. Ayslind even had her acting out when Bowyn was born. Cyana definetly had her moments. Give them a little extra love, not only has your world turned upside down, so has their's.

Cynthia said...

My kids have *never* had tantrums! You must be doing something wrong- he, he.
I swear kids hit the terrible twos a few months before they are two. You sound like you already have figured out what you need to do. Now you just need to do it. Like your mom said, he'll figure it out that it isn't worth it to throw a tantum. It isn't fun going through this phase, but stick to your guns and he will get better!!

Leslie said...

I've read and been told that the terrible twos really begin at about 18 months and then start to wind down around 2 years old. This is exactly what's happening with Emma. I was going out of my mind for months, but now she's getting better (she'll be two at the end of the month). I agree with your mom, too. Removing them from fun situations because of bad behavior can really do the trick. (Of course they'll freak out even more at first, but eventually they realize that different behavior will yield different results.) Good luck!

M- your favorite said...

Having no kids I can't tell you anything. But I can say I can't wait to see it first hand. He is going to be spoiled rotten! ;) For a week!

Michelle said...

hahaha. Huh? I'm over 30 - and I still throw tantrums regularly. ;)

Bless your heart. Dealing with tantrums are very frazzling! Just keep trying until something works. You are such a fabulous Mom!! And Zeb looks cute to me ... even in tantrum mode. :)

Krystal used to spit and claw at the air and make all kinds of horrendously ugly faces and sounds ... but, she'd stay put in her chill out chair. I wish like CRAZY I would have gotten it on video. I seriously thought she was possessed at times.

Good luck - just trust your instincts!

Philip Oswald said...

My children never had issues such as these until they were teenagers.

Outlandish McCandlish said...

I have honestly asked strangers around us in public if they want my kids (when they are cutting-up) ,and no one ever does, and then I would tell my kids that see no one else wants you so you better just straighten up. I also liked to threaten to rip my kids' arm off and beat them with it, which still makes me laugh and eases my frustration. Also I just stand there bored if we were in public and if we were at home I would just walk away and spy on him when he wasn't looking to make sure he was safe. It is almost always about attention. You just have to praise him when he is being good and helpful and give him tons of thank yous, what a big boy and kisses when he is.