Zeb has been so much fun again! We've pulled out of the post baby freak out and Zeb is back to normal toddlerness (with the regular doses of screeches and arm flailing) -rather than insane nasty mean toddlerness. He is so much fun to talk to and play with! He's full of crazy little phrases- and really funny smiles. We have moved into another semi-unpleasant phase however. He is whining incessantly.
Do all toddlers go through this? Everything he says is in this terribly long and high pitched whine. "Peeeeerrcccyy. where are youuuuu? Mamaaaaa- heeeeeelp pleeeease". It makes me INSANE.
Oh, and check this out!!
Does it ever stop!?! I feel like everybody is giving things away lately! the sandwiches, the chicken, the pop, the government, etc. It's the one upside to the economic crisis! Today I just found out about "
the Mars real Chocolate relief act". Every Friday morning (until september) at nine AM the company is giving out 250,000 coupons for free candy bars! Check out the site
here. happy chocolating!
Zeb's smile is just priceless. I love him!
At least he's saying 'please!'
That such a cute picture of him!
Do you do couponing or the drugstore deals? I've been doing it for a few months now and it's fun and of course money saving. Did you know that you have to get rainchecks at KFC for the meal? The response was too overwhelming I guess.
KFC is making the corporation pay for the free meal. So now you go in and feel out a form and send it to the corporation to get your free meal. Funny! The guys at work all went and the line was CRAZY!
I love that Zeb! He is growing up. Wow look at him! So cute!
Yay- I love chocolate.
You have the cutest little boys!
kenny went and waited in the long line. They ran out of the grilled stuff and gave him the original. I'm all about free chocolate too.
So what website do you use to find the good deals-- you seem to find a lot of them! Thanks for sharing them with us.
I know just what you mean with the whining thing, Cohen drives me crazy some days so just know I feel for ya.
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