Thursday, October 1, 2009

have I mentioned that I am a picture snapping fiend??

Some friends found out about this fabulous open gymnastics time for babies/toddlers at one of the YMCAs here and we finally made it over today. I've never seen Zeb so happy and energetic and excited. It was little kid heaven. Pure fun. I even enjoyed myself quite a bit.

Both kiddos loved the foam pit. Ike kept trying to dive headfirst into it- and Zeb did quite a few times. I got in once and nearly got sucked under. I think it's a lot easier to move around in the pit when you weigh less than thirty pounds.

I changed Zeb into his striped pj pants for easier play- and he ended up matching everything. The kids loved pushing each other around in this contraption.
I was surprised at just how much Ike loved everything. The kid was all smiles the entire two hours we were there- even though it was his naptime. I don't think he's ever had that much soft flooring to crawl around on- or that many fun squishy toys to crawl all over. They even offer actual classes for babies six to 18 months!
We will definitely be going back. Kent gets a 'Y' max membership for free through the school so it didn't cost us anything to get in! I think both kids would also love to be enrolled in classes so we'll have to look into it.


Unknown said...

looks like tons of fun! Be careful with the foam pit--it always makes triggers Daysa's asthma. But maybe it has more chalk and dust at a gynmastics gym.

Glad you found a new place to play and that your blogging mojo wasn't gone long.

Love ya

Delaps said...

It was a lot of fun. Ellie was dead asleep by the time we got home. She couldn't even support her own body weight.

Michelle said...

Ahhhhh ... I really miss gymnastics for my kiddos. It is seriously the best. GREAT pictures. Zeb and Ike are so cute and just look like they are in heaven.

M- your favorite said...

So cute! They look like they are loving it! Fun!