Monday, January 28, 2008

my healthy happy rugrat is back!

Gone are the days of slacker motherhood. It has come to an expected although dreaded end. Sure, I can still deposit the rugrat on the living room floor surrounded by his toys, but there is no longer the guarantee that I can find him in that same location when I return from my lickety split trip to the bathroom. This morning as I made myself a piece of toast and washed some of the leftover pots and pans from yesterday, I documented his first journey down the hallway. He is surprisingly quick and nimble with those chubby little legs and that portly belly! the last picture was a surprise to me. I thought he was headed to his bedroom, but upon return from the last pot I found him in quite the precarious position. It is a good thing that Kent deep cleaned the bathroom yesterday.


Unknown said...

Aahhhh so cute! I love those little legs sticking out!

taylor and laney said...

that picture of him at the toilet is funny.

Cynthia said...

I have found my kids playing by the toilet too! So glad to hear that Kent had just cleaned the bathroom. Got to keep the plungers and toilet brushes away because those were some of my kids favorite things to find. Gross!! Also when they start walking you might find Zeb playing in the toilet. Isn't motherhood exciting!!!

brittani c. said...

Zeb will like that picture 20 years from now.

Pat and Brent said...

Hahaha! Now the real babyproofing begins. You'll probably find keeping the bathroom door closed a good option. How fun! I'm so glad the happy, healthy Zebbie is back!

Lorflor said...

so cute!

M- your favorite said...

I have not been on the blog for awhile-I am so happy Zeb is feeling better. Sure stinks to have a sick baby. I hate it when kids are sick. It's NO fair!! That is so silly that he got himself stuck behind the toilet. Maybe he was trying to get into the tub! Silly BOY! I can't wait to see him again. I hope plane tickets go back down to 350 and not stay in the 500's. Anyways. Love you guys! Hope you all stay nice and healthy!

Erin said...

funny and cute! good documenting Leisy!

Linz said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Great picture!