I forgot to post the results of last week's nine month well check! Z is not fat. he is in the fiftieth percentile for height, weight, and head circumference! almost 21 pounds--which makes me wonder why the diapers that are supposed to fit up to 28 pound babies will barely fit around his waist! Regardless of the fact that there were no shots administered on this visit, it still happened to be his most traumatic and unpleasant check-up thus far. He was all smiles until the dr pulled out the stethoscope. Poor little Z started shaking and trembling. As soon as she touched him with it, he erupted into screams. I think he's still traumatized from his rsv hospital stay. I would be.
He's turning more and more into a real boy everyday. This age is absolutely wonderful (minus the fact that he loves to play in the toilet).
Leisy just for the record I never thought he was fat :) Is that red hair he has?
I'm so sad about his fear of the doctor. That just breaks my heart. He is such a sweetheart. Oh - the toilet years ... so fun. It gets better the second and third time around, 'cuz there's a lil' tell-all always in the background. :) "I'm telling ... Mo-o-o-o-o-ommy!!!!!" haha. Sound familiar, Kent?
So sorry for the doctor trauma. That happened to Auri too, when she was about a year old. She is just now getting to accept doctors and what they have to do. Boo.
Glad he's healthy! 21 pounds!! Wow! Andrew was 18.5 at 9 months, so (just like with Auri) we are praying that he will hit 20 by a year so we can turn him around (which, like with Auri, we will do anyway regardless of his weight! HAHA!)
Zeb is so cute!!
I love the title of this post! He isn't fat, but he's definitely solid! He looks like a very strong baby.
Not only is Zeb not fat, but he is evenly proportioned! My kids always have big heads.
Zeb's not fat just solid. He is a healthly baby boy. But playing in the toilet is kind of sick. Hopefully he has not played in pee water. :)
he is so cute! I hate the dr. visits. I think I have said this is the best age pretty much at everyone. They seem to just get more fun!
I hate that he's traumatized by the doctor. The hospital shouldn't have to be such an early experience. But thank goodness it's there when you need it!
Zeb is just a perfect size - so dang cute, healthy and happy! He's a perfect baby. I love the little mischeiveous grin by the toilet. Looks like fun.
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