Tuesday, March 11, 2008

We gave Melynda the full downtown tour today! Here we are at the downtown library. We couldn't pass up the photo-op. Check out the rugrat's double chin. I think it may reach triple status soon. This is in the children's play section. Here we have "THE MILLER HIS SON AND THE ASS". Kent is "the miller" and Zeb is "his son", so does that make me "the ass"?

We also went to Tony Packos, one of our favorite restaurants in Toledo. Kent always gets the food that makes me grossed out. The sausage link about did me in! Zeb loved it though.


Cynthia said...

That sign in the library is hilarious! I can't believe they allow such language to be written on the walls, even if it does mean donkey-- come on this is the children's center!

taylor and laney said...

i quite like your hair in this picture.

Amy and Craig said...

wow leisy you look HOT! I love your hair, you didn't get it cut, did you? Yeah, I think you must be the ass. It's fun they have your family pic on the wall at the library though! :>

Erin said...

Speaking of sausage, I don't think we've had sausage at DA since you left.

Lookin' good - all you Millers!

Pat and Brent said...

Cute family photo! How can two skinny's have such a chunky babe? I love it. What a sweety. Glad Melynda can spend some time with you. Have a great week!

Leslie said...

I bet you guys are awesome hosts. If we're ever in Toledo . . .

And thanks for boosting my confidence in your comment. Maybe I won't give up after all. :)

Julie Sacks said...

What a chunker of a kid you have!

Lyndsay said...

Love the photo! I really don't think you can reach any other conclusions...you're the ass. The library says it, so it's true. Did you see any similar signs involving Peterson?

Unknown said...

Yes it does make you "the ass". Thanks for the info about Rachelle. I was just rereading on your blog how Zeb hated baby food and wanted chewed up real people food. I am pretty sure Natalie is doing that. She always fusses while I feed her baby food but she is OBSESSED with real food. She watches every bite we take and has grabbed handfuls of our cereal many times.

taylor and laney said...

i think zeb needs a diet. maybe you could just feed him more fiber to send all that food straight through him.

Michelle said...

SO funny!!

That plate of food is just a LITTLE much, Kent - don'tcha' think? I'm curious as to what M ordered.

Zeb just couldn't get any cuter! LOVE the chins!

Wanamakers said...

There seems to be undue concern about the weight of your child! We think he looks fabulous! :)And for the record, complete strangers have recently called Ellie "fatty," and "butter bean!"