Sunday, February 10, 2008


Tomorrow at six am I will be up and busy! This week I am teaching early morning seminary. Really, I think that it would be my dream calling minus the early morning part. The real teacher is on vacation for a week and I eagerly volunteered to take over while she was gone. I really miss teaching and I really miss talking to the crazies in that terrible teenage stage ! How great to be able to teach about something that I love this much!!! The topic is the Old Testament (2Kings)-which makes me a little worried- but I figured that the kids probably don't know any more than me so it can't be that hard. Embarrassingly enough I can say that I haven't read the Old Testament in it's entirety since my mission! Wish me luck. Mostly wish me that I'll wake up on time this whole week.


Lyndsay said...

Leisy, you are a SAINT! Who is their normal teacher?
I bet you'll be a breath of fresh air.

Kent and Leisy said...

their normal teacher is sis. godwin (on vacation in florida right now). I hear you are quite familiar with the Godwins :)

Amber said...

I don't know why someone would even want to teach seminary to a bunch of teenage kids. You've got to be crazy! Best of luck, but I wouldn't be caught dead teaching the Old Testament to teenagers.


Rachael said...

good for you for doing it and being excited! I think getting up would be the worst part, as well. good luck!

Unknown said...

Seriously, out of 100 people there might be 2 who would be willing AND excited to do this. You are probably the greatest addition to Toledo in 50 years!

Linz said...

Wow, Leisy!! Good for you! It takes a special person to teach seminary!! I would rather stick pins in my eyes, but that's just me! (Now, watch - I'll probably get called next year, right??)

Anonymous said...

second kings is actually kind of interesting. just be glad you don't have to teach it from the russian bible! waking up that early will be good for you.

Kari Ann said...

Good luck! You will be awesome I am sure. I think that would be fun, except I would rather teach Book of Mormom or something I felt more comfortable with.

dockters said...

glad it went well this morning! And I'm even more glad that I didn't hear the kids knocking at your door at 6 am!

Michelle said...

Wow! Good job, Leisy! What did you do with Zebby? Wish I could take him!