Sunday, February 3, 2008

what a weekend

Friday: I taught my Biology students to suck it up, to deal with the pain and discomfort. I told them horrific stories of evolved mutant monsters that would take over the human race if we couldn't tough it out. I made them all promise (at least nod their heads in agreement of our decision) to NOT go get antibiotics for every little red throat and inflamed sinus tissue they had. And now look at me. I caved. I couldn't take it anymore. I woke up at 4:30 with the earache of death and that day called the trusty doctor to get me a prescription. Thank heavens for antibiotics.

Saturday: the prophet's funeral was an incredible experience. I got to watch it live on the internet and I am pretty lucky that I didn't go and watch it at the neighbors like I had initially planned. I did pretty well until Elder Eyring spoke. I think from his talk through Elder Monson's, and then for the duration of the closing musical number, I bawled like a baby. I really really am going to miss his voice and smile at General Conference.

and Sunday... what a game huh? I am not a football fan, especially on Sundays. I didn't even know who was playing until the game started and even I have to admit that those last two minutes (good thing they were about the only two minutes that I watched) were pretty dang good football. We ended up having some pretty good food as well.


Rachael said...

ditto on the funeral - by the end of it, I was sure the girls thought I was a nutcase since they were forced to sit by me and watch it online. I felt exactly the same way. I'll just miss him tons, especially this April.

Rachael said...

I meant because I had tears streaming down my face for most of it....

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Michelle said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better ... we always have allergic reactions to antibiotics over here - otherwise, I think I would be very pro-medicate, medicate, medicate! I'm a wimp.

I've heard so many wonderful things about Pres. Hinckley's funeral. I was working and missed it - but, I have it recorded. He will be sorely missed.

A Superbowl partay? Wow - impressive. I usually get a lot of reading done on Superbowl day - unless I'm with the Miller clan ... then we play games galore. Football? Not ONE drop ... but, we sure had good treats and fun gaming. That's kinda funny, now that I think about it. We had a Superbowl party without the actual Superbowl. haha.

Is that seriously a football crock pot I can see in the pic? Maybe THAT would be a good gift for me to get Ty for his birthday. :)

Erik said...

when you wrote earlier that you had an earache i was going to tell you to go and get meds immediately. those things hurt! Next time i'll work out for you a little better. sorry

Amy and Craig said...

yeah, I was crying too. Especially during the BYU movie of him when they showed that picture of him at his wife's funeral. I kept thinking "What is WRONG with me??" I must be crazy hormonal lady or something. I just love him so much, but I'm so happy for him too.