From wake-up this morning to bedtime this evening his behavior has been RIDICULOUS. Really and truly there has to be something physically not right with the kid. He just keeps SCREAMING. He'll stand at our feet and just freak or shake his toys at us while shrieking. He keeps rubbing his belly (sign for please) and just yelling at us like a little wild orangutan. We've offered and tried almost everything. At one point he brought us his tylenol and rubbed his belly (he knows exactly what it is). We can only administer so much tylenol and motrin in a twenty-four hour period and we want to be somewhat cautious considering we don't know what's the matter!!
Perhaps he's hit the terrible twos a year early. Maybe he's getting his two year molars since ALL of his other teeth are already here. Maybe he's just gone bad.
I still love him the kid but today has been one of those days. Thank HEAVENS that Kent is here so that we can relieve each other from Zeb duty. I hope he's back to normal by this weekend for when Kent leaves and my family arrives!!!
P.S. I am going to try my hardest tomorrow to get one of his freak outs on video for you all to watch! My true hope is that there won't be any to record- but if there are some I want you all to see (they are kind of funny at first).
P.P.S. besides the two faces the kitty is fine and still very alive.
I can't believe how big Z looks right there. Thats what we get for moving away, we miss everything.
Hey, we're going to the zoo tomorrow in Toledo, so if you want to join us, or anyone else who reads this, we would love to see you guys. I'll call you in the morning.
Poor Zeb! He does look like a big boy. What happened to the baby? I am so sorry that he has not been feeling well. I can just imagine him throwing his fit. Not that funnest. Wow, Kent you already leave this weekend. That is crazy. I hope all goes well. That will be nice to have your family come out they can hopefully help with Zeb. Even though he has been a hand full I sure do love that little man. I love him. Good luck!!
I'll take him home with us when we come.
He's so big! I can't believe how much he has grown since you were here.
See you next week. Tell Zebber that Nannie Annie is on her way.
He is getting so big! I am glad I am not the only one who's child has those days.
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