Nicaragua was amazing! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to those who made this trip possible for me! The week went by way too fast. I fell in love with the people, culture and language of Nicaragua. I want to go back for a few more months to become proficient with the language and continue working with those incredible people. We traveled around to some really poor areas around the city of Leon. We spent everyday working in clinics and were able to help over 800 people get the medical care they can't afford. Medicine is SO expensive for these people and many suffer with all kinds of infections because they don't have money for drugs! We also went with a dentist who saw close to 200 patients and was able to do sealant and fluoride treatments on all of them. I worked with the dentist the first day and then worked in the clinics the rest of the week. I'm glad I was able to see what the dentist was doing but I'm SO glad I didn't go to dental school. That is not what I want to do for the rest of my life!
I loved working with the children in the clinics. They were so much fun to help. It was sad to see little kids who have bugs all over them and to see others who just can't s
top itching from scabies - but I loved working with them! We gave this lady a pair of glasses and she was so excited she started crying. She was able to see clearly for the first time in her life! We had so many great experiences that changed peoples lives! My life is changed for having been down there and seeing such wonderful people and how grateful they are for everything they have! I'll blog some of my other experiences in Nicaragua throughout the week.
Wow Kent! What an amazing experience! I am so happy to see you living your dream. Way to go with the Espanol skills!
wow that is amazing good for you. im proud that you did that i dont know if i have the guts to do something like that. i wasnt sure i was able to serve a mission. i cant wait to hear more. glad your back safe and sound
What an amazing experience. I can't even imagine not being able to see clearly for my entire life. I am pretty much blind in my right eye, but I have always had contacts, or glasses to aid me. How grateful that woman must be.
WOW!! That is all I can say. I am so greatful that we are able to have medical help when we need it. I can't imagine having to do nothing for my child with bugs and scabies all over them. That is so SAD! I am glad that you were able to experience that for yourself, and to be able to live your dream. You are going to be an amazing Doctor! I am so proud of you Kent!
so leisy, are you ever going to accept my friend request? kent and i are friends.
Kent, you rock. Keep the medical mission spirit alive!
Look at you - Dr. in the making. We are very proud of you and all the good you do.
Hear Hear!! I know I'm just your sis - but I am FLOWING over with proudness for you. You are amazing, Kent! What a remarkable experience.
I hear you got voted as the trip sweetheart! Way to go! I'm glad it was such an amazing experience.
Biggest heart - not sweetheart ;)
It sounds like you had a wonderful expirience. It's the people that i miss the most from that wonderful contry. Isn't it amazing how good we have it compared to other countries.
If you're ever interested in a medical mission to the Dominican Republic, our eye surgeon goes every year and is always looking for victims...I mean volunteers to go with them. Actually, they do great work and always have a good experience.
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