The Parade was buckets of fun. We sat with some friends and reveled in all of the free stuff. These small town parades (Maumee) are jackpots for freebies! We got balloons, American flags, and unrealistic amounts of candy. Kent was in charge of gathering our spoils while my job was ear plugging the Zebbster.
As a side note, has anyone noticed Zeb's left (your left) eye? It's always much squintier than the right one. I'm kinda paranoid about it- but kent says it's fine. He has no eyesight problems and has normal eye movement- it's just always closed more. Has anybody had this problem with their kids' eyes? or your own eyes?
I'll try to post some more pictures that exhibit the problem. Usually I don't post those ones.
i only noticed the squinty eye thing in the quasi-modo cooler picture. he looks pretty normal. i wouldn't worry too much.
taylor says one of his eyes does it in pictures too.
If you watch, you'll notice that Mr. Peterson has a similar problem at age 27. I think Zeb will be just fine.
My eyes are like that. Just different sizes. I sometimes hate it ... like in pictures - but, usually I don't notice it.
That lil' primary girl is a doll - VERY enthusiastic!!
This'll probably be the only year Zebby can't handle loud noises.
What a fun day! Glad you guys are having fun before Kent heads out to training!
yep, one of my eyes closes more in pictures, too. We affectionately call it my "droopy" eye. Nice, huh? So I guess it's more normal than I'd thought...
what in the world are doing to your darling son to make him cry like that? im still not to fond of loud noieses drives me nuts when im frustrated with anything all noises drive me nuts
i haven't personally had any problems with this, but i did watch an episode of jon and kate plus eight and they have one kid that has an eye lid that is longer than the other and it's not a problem. I'd just mention it to your ped. and then keep an eye on it (hee hee! no pun intended).
One of my eyes does it too - especially when I smile. Also, the noise must be a phase thing, because Ellie is all of a sudden scared of those most ridiculous things. We went swimming this morning and the noise of Ben jumping into the pool made her lose it. I've noticed it just with household noises too. Hopefully it doesn't last too long!
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