Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lieutenant Miller

One week from today Kent will be active duty US Air Force in Montgomery, Alabama.

I made Kent take this picture- and I made him do the salute. I wanted to show off his snazzy "mess uniform". It's the formal tuxedo that he has to wear to Air Force Balls and other formal events. This dang suit cost SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS (and is required for officer training)!!!!

Kent has a friend who attended Officer training last summer and is letting him use his. He and his wife had us over for dinner last night to give Kent the low-down on what to expect. They had two little kids and a yorkie-chihuahua mix. Zeb was ecstatic about the dog. He chased it around the house and giggled and screamed like a baby banshee. I haven't heard him laugh that hard in awhile. He LOVES animals.

Back to the atrociously priced suit- we are so darn lucky to have friends willing to lend it out! The Air Force will pay us a monthly stipend to live off, they pay tuition, they pay for all of his books, and they even pay for him to fly to Alabama and back to Utah- but they won't pay for his uniforms?! does that seem crazy to anybody else? I am so glad we could borrow this blasted thing. He'll still have to pay a pretty penny to get his basic gear- but not this extra 600. It is pretty sharp though, huh?

As anxious as I am to have Kent gone for five weeks, I am SO excited for him. I know that he'll LOVE the training. Kent is definitely the type to be excited about four am runs and push up contests. He is going to be in HEAVEN amongst all the order and rules. He's already a pro at bed making (thanks to his great mom) but he's going to come home and be able to make quarters bounce off our sheets.


Susan said...

Aren't you nervous? Kenny has been talking about the Air Force too and it just makes my insides turn to jelly thinking about it.

Michelle said...

Lookin' good, Kent! $600.00?!?!?!?!?!?! I am DYING! That's like our clothing budget for the ENTIRE family for the whole year!

I can't believe it's just a week away. Kent'll be fabulous. Best wishes - my heart really does go out to you guys despite the excitement. You'll both be in my prayers.

Cynthia said...

So glad Kent was able to borrow the uniform- what a huge savings!
And only 5 more weeks until he is back home bouncing quarters off the bed.

brittani c. said...

Kent, that's a pretty snazzy suit. You look official!

taylor and laney said...

I think you kind of look like the captain on Love Boat. Just give you a white hat and gloves and you'll be set. Love, exciting and new.

Deneal said...

So is that the only time he has to wear this uniform? I mean $600 for ONE night? Ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Woah its my favorite set of twins!!!!
:) its me Tessa :). I miss you guys!!!
I am on here to. :)...


Linz said...

Lookin' good! Good luck in training!!

Steve and Hailey said...

I am a lazy blogger. I actually look at blogs daily, but rarely sign into my account. I think of responses that I would write, IF I were signed in. The point? I had to sign in and comment on this post! I love it! I totally love the suit and the pose and I wish I had a suit and I could pose. I actually wish I had some version of the suit with fish net stockings and high heels with taps. Then I would do a little number with Fred Astaire or Gene Kelly.

Susanna said...

Good Luck Kent, you do look pretty snazzy!

P.S. You are welcome to come make beds at our house anytime you like!

Lyndsay said...

Stylin'! But $600 stylin'? I'm not so sure. Perhaps Emilee can teach you how to sew Kent's remaining clothing requirements.

M- your favorite said...

WOW! You look pretty darn good. I'm glad you will love the 4am runs and pushups and setups and whatever else they do. I am really happy for you Kent! Way to go. You'll do great! :)

dockters said...

I think you should wear it to church next time you have to give a talk!