Tuesday, August 21, 2007

churches everywhere

You can't see it very well (its a cell phone pic) but this sign made kent and me laugh out loud. This is the "soul city house of god" also known as the "holy ghost headquarters"! There are churches EVERYWHERE here. More here then in Utah for sure. There are 2 or 3 per city block.
I'll have to admit they all have something going for them that our church lacks. They all have marquees out front with really catchy slogans to get people to church. I'm going to try and take pictures of the good ones and post them. Just last week we saw one that said "Get online with God. Download your sins on Jesus". Pretty catchy, huh? and there's a local church that has "traditional" worship at nine, "contemporary" worship at eleven, and saving the best for last- "hip hop" worship at one. It fits perfectly with our schedule! we get out at noon and can head over for hip hop. It sure beats going to choir practice.


Michelle said...

Hahahahahahaha! You guys are hilarious! This post totally cracked me up. I can't believe some of those slogans. Too funny. Don't knock choir practice, though. I usually LOVE going to choir. We CERTAINLY could take those hip-hoppers any day! :)

Erin said...

Wow. You know, I took a folklore class once, and my professor had written her dissertation on church marquees across the country.

Linz said...

Holy Ghost Headquarters!!!! AWESOME!!!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I have GOT to go to hip hop church at least once before I die. I love slogans on churches. I still remember one I saw here in Utah: "The best vitamin for a Christian: B1." So stupid, you can't forget!

Kent and Leisy said...

Here's a good one for Michelle: Christians, like pianos, need tuning often.

Pam and Rand said...

The slogans are great! Tell us all about the hip hop worship. You must go and report!