Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Today I truly felt like a med student. We started dissecting our cadaver today. The program here is really great. I love the anatomy professors and I have a really cool group! We dissect in groups of four - which is really nice because many schools have groups of six. It is quite the site to walk in and see table after table of dead bodies! Over forty bodies in one room! My group's cadaver is a 91 year old man who was diabetic and had prostate cancer. He is a larger individually so you can imagine getting to the muscles required a lot of digging through adipose. I was SO excited to begin. I gladly volunteered to make the initial incisions and begin the dissection of the back. This entire process totally reinforced my desire to donate my body to educational purposes. I'm so grateful this man was willing to give me this privilege! After four hours of hacking our way through to the deepest muscles in the back I was exhausted and ready to head home and shower. I can't imagine surgeons who spend hours and hours on an operation involving a living person - that's just incredible to me. With a test this morning and dissections this afternoon I'm just thankful that there wasn't any new material introduced today. I have a feeling that this new block is going to require a lot more time than the last block and Leisy and Zeb will be seeing me less frequently than before. I'm really excited about medicine and I'm so grateful that I was accepted and have this time to learn and prepare for a career. I'm beginning to see how much time it requires and how much worse it will be when I'm actually practicing and pulling 24 hour shifts! It's a lesson to me to enjoy life as it comes because it never gets easier!


Michelle said...

Holy cow, Kent - I think I dry heaved about three times just reading and imagining. I would never survive.

You have such a great attitude! Enjoying life as it comes is great advice ... thanks for the reminder. It's so easy to get caught up in the stress and limited time - you and Leisy are an incredible example of how to make every moment count. I'm so thankful for you! Good luck "digging in"! :)

Lotsa love!

Emilee said...

Good luck. More good luck to Leisy. First year anatomy IS your first taste of what the rest of medical school will be like, Leisy. But it goes really fast, thank heavens. And, I thought you were going to be turned into a diamond, Kent, not donate your body to science. Wouldn't all those preservatives cause flaws in your diamond?

taylor and laney said...

Lucky. I'm so jealous. What I wouldn't give to cut into someone and see how the inside of us actually works. I really want to cut open Laney (in a nonsadomasacist way) and see where here intense pains in her stomach are coming from. Crazy, mabye, but I would be fascinated the entire time.

Kent and Leisy said...

I'm trying to talk him in to the diamond thing. I told him I'd switch with him. If he gets turned into a diamond, I'll donate my body. I'd LOVE to wear him in my wedding ring (pretty romantic huh?). we may never have to worry about it though because I do plan on dying first and then I won’t be able to do any more convincing. I would like to be turned into a diamond but if he gives me away to science I wouldn’t be too devastated.

M- your favorite said...

Kent- It takes certain types of people to do what you are doing. And I am greatful for people like you who spend there time learning and willing to improve medicine so we can live longer.

I am really excited for you as well Kent, that you get to do things that you love. I think you are Amazing! and I wish you luck! Because it's going to be hard to not see your family as much as you would like. Hopefully it goes by fast.
Love you so much Kent!

Pat and Brent said...

Wow Kent - you are amazing. It's great that you want to get right in there; you'll always have more and better experiences with that kind of attitude.
(Nice way of telling us that you got an old fat man.) You on the other hand, you will be a stellar speciman - lean and well muscled.

SDL said...

While Kent has some noble desires to promote education, I'm planning on having my body placed in a sandstone crevice on the Colorado Plateau and letting the ravens and coyotes pick my bones clean. Yep, dusts to dust for me.