Sunday, November 4, 2007

what a waste of daylight savings.

Apparently Toledo is one large pool of infectious disease right now. Everybody STEER CLEAR! The kids are sick and are spreading the virus like wildfires in California!
Last night Zeb woke up EVERY single hour. The poor little rugrat has some terrible stomach problem. The diarrhea has slowed down immensely but he has decreased food intake again and his stomach is making all sorts of terrible gurgglings and splats. Every hour last night he'd start to moan (he still isn't crying at all) and we'd have to pick him up so that he was in a vertical position. His stomach would make all sorts of terrible noises settle down and then he'd whine back to sleep. It is sad. We have been the lucky ones though! Two of the neighbors have had to take their little guys to the ER! and those with older kids have had terrible vomiting! Most of the kids are feverless so maybe it's the rotavirus. Whatever it is, it stinks! and WHAT A WASTE OF DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!! it's like the hour never existed.

at least zeb is still cute huh?


Cheri J. Meiners, M. Ed. said...

Yes, he is still cute. Hope he's feeling better soon!

Pat and Brent said...

What a sweetie! I know I say that a lot, but what else would be true? I also hope he's better soon.

Not to brag, but that extra hour sure was nice. Some day when you're empty nesters you'll be able to relish the quiet moments of life.

Michelle said...

That makes me laugh, Mom and Dad! You guys really DO live it up quite often! :) Thanks for including us in the good times every once in a while :) heehee.

Zeb is SO dang cute! I'm so sorry you had such a horrible night ... with the extra hour. When Tyler used to work night shifts - I HATED that night.

Anyway - all of our kids woke up at the crack of dawn this morning. Ugh. (Well, except Marissa - she could sleep forever).

DOUBLE ANYWAY - I really hope Zeb gets feeling better soon - and stays out of the hospital. Keep us informed.

Lotsa love.

dockters said...

How's Zeb this morning?? Hopefully your night was more restful, and hopefully he's getting back to normal! And yes...he is STILL CUTE!

Linz said...

Zeb is so cute! I am so sorry that he's sick! No fun!

Zak said...

Zeb is so cute.

OH, and daylight savings was a COMPLETE mockery and waste for me as well. I had to work the graveyard shift, so I just had to work an extra hour!!! So retarded.

Unknown said...

Time for the elixir of life.