Tuesday, November 6, 2007

yes, we are documenting our entire lives via blog.

Tonight we cast our ballots! it was really great to vote on issues that I really felt strongly after being here such a short period of time! I'm glad we made it in time to support the parks, library, and COSI. Oh, and since neither Kent nor I could decide on a second school board member we both wrote in our neighbor, Eric Dockter, as a candidate. He likes kids so we figured he'd do a good job.
Zeb also voted. After fulfilling our role as good citizens we decided to reward ourselves with a treat. Baskin Robbins does one dollar scoops on Tuesday nights! mine was absolutely disgusting and I threw it away. Thank heavens it was only a dollar. It was all freezer burnt and nasty-o. Kent thought his was quite tasty.


heidi said...

I'm mad at Baskin Robbins for giving you old ice cream. What a disappointment!

That is the absolute cutest picture of Zeb. He looks extra happy.

dockters said...

We were disappointed to wake up this morning and find out that Eric didn't get elected to the school board! Oh well, there's always next year! :)

Kari Ann said...

I agree, it feels good to vote! I feel some kind of weird power when I go in to give my voice.

linds jo said...

I thought it would be fun to tag you. I know, I know, its dumb. But I just did it and it was fun!

M- your favorite said...

ZEB is a happy guy! He's getting so big! He is so cute! Good job on teaching him on how to vote.

Michelle said...

... and don't ever stop documenting your entire lives via blog!!!!!!! I love it!

I voted too. You know - embarrassing as it is to admit - I never voted until you came along, Leisy. I used to think Tyler voting was good enough. Now, I get way into it. Thanks for the enthusiasm.

Pam and Rand said...

Zeb is so cute with his great big smile and voting sticker on his head. I love that picture!

Emilee said...

I love COSI, but I feel irritated that there is always a COSI levy on the ballot. Either you are a private entity, and you charge admission, or you are a public entity, and you don't. So, I voted against them. I did vote for the libraries and metroparks, since they are two of the best things of Toledo. (It feels wrong for me to be able to vote to raise property taxes when I don't pay property taxes.)

Kent and Leisy said...

emilee, I agree about raising taxes when we don't pay them! Kent and I have decide we need to make some donations to the parks and zoo and whatnot later in life when we have the funds! what is your opinion on Tarta since that has to be paid for? I am super disappointed about COSI. Although it is a private entity, they were going to offer free admission to children on Saturdays. They also contribute to the economy of Toledo and are one of the only entities keeping downtown Toledo alive. They also do lots of work for the schools around here. Plus I'm a softie for anything science related :)