Thursday, October 11, 2007

My Big Day

My Birthday was a blast! Leisy made my day wonderful and fun. She wrapped up all the things my parents and sisters sent (even if some were just for Zeb) and had me open one every hour or so. She picked me up from school and we went to the zoo. Our zoo is incredible! Toledo is amazing! Zeb LOVED the animals and entirely missed his nap. We went out to dinner and then had friends over for cake and ice cream. Zeb zonked at 7:45 and missed the party that evening. It was super fun - thanks Leisy!!

Look at him watch the bears!

Don't fall Zeb!!!


Pat and Brent said...

These pictures are all so dang cute! What a fun place. Hope you were close by on that last shot!

The Jackson Family said...

I'm so glad you had a fun day Kent! Leisy is amazing. Your baby is SO cute and Happy. Love you, Miss you

Michelle said...

My favorite is Zeb watching the bears. He looks so intrigued! What a cool zoo! Can Zeb sit up on his own?