Thursday, October 11, 2007

!?!?!?!mystery track!?!?!?!

So the song playing right now (turn up your volume if you aren't listening) is going to be in our ward primary program in just a few weeks! okay so it really isn't, but I was given a CD with the primary program songs on it a week ago and Zeb and I were listening to it in the car when suddenly this song started playing! I didn't even realize anything for a minute cause I quite enjoy the song. It really is track four. Apparently the lady who made the CDs accidentally mixed in one of her son's songs. Besides the "smokes in my pocket" part I think that it's quite primary appropriate :)

I did some research (when I use the word research it is a rather broad term, normally referring to a google search of some sort) and found out that the song is "Leaving Town" by Dexter Freebish. I'd never heard of the guy(s), but I rather like him now. enjoy.


Michelle said...

Yeah - the song is pretty good. That's funny that it got put on a primary cd!

kenna said...

I used to listen to that song in hike school all the time...because I wanted to leave got annoying after a while though. Goll, I wish primary here was that cool.